Monday, December 30, 2019

Desert Biome Is the Driest

The desert biome is a dry, terrestrial biome. It consists of habitats that receive very little rainfall each year, generally less than 50 centimeters. The desert biome covers about one-fifth of the Earths surface and includes regions at a variety of latitudes and elevations. The desert biome is divided into four basic types of deserts—arid deserts, semi-arid deserts, coastal deserts, and cold deserts. Each of these types of deserts is characterized by different physical characteristics such as aridity, climate, location, and temperature. Daily Temperature Fluctuations   Although deserts are highly varied, there are some general characteristics that can be described. The fluctuation in the temperature throughout a day in a desert is far more extreme than the daily temperature fluctuations in more humid climates. The reason for this is that in damper climates, humidity in the air buffers the daytime and nighttime temperatures. But in deserts, the dry air heats up considerably during the day and cools off quickly at night. The low atmospheric humidity in deserts also means there is often a lack of cloud cover to hold the warmth. How Rainfall in the Desert Is Different Rainfall in deserts is also unique. When it does rain in arid regions, precipitation often comes in short bursts that are separated by long periods of drought. The rain that falls evaporates quickly—in some hot arid deserts, rain sometimes evaporates before it hits the ground. The soils in deserts are often coarse in texture. They are also rocky and dry with good drainage. Desert soils experience little weathering. The plants that grow in deserts are shaped by the arid conditions in which they live. Most desert-dwelling plants are low-growing in stature and have tough leaves that are well-suited to conserve water. Desert plants include vegetation such as yuccas, agaves, brittlebushes, lack sage, prickly pear cacti, and saguaro cactus. Key Characteristics The following are the key characteristics of the desert biome: little rainfall (less than 50 centimeters per year)temperatures vary greatly between day and nighthigh evaporation ratescoarse-textured soilsdrought-resistant vegetation Classification The desert biome is classified within the following habitat hierarchy: Biomes of the World Desert Biome The desert biome is divided into the following habitats: Arid deserts - Arid deserts are hot, dry deserts that occur at low latitudes around the world. Temperatures remain warm year-round, although they are hottest during the summer months. There is little rainfall in arid deserts and what rain does fall is often exceeded by evaporation. Arid deserts occur in North America, Central America, South America, Africa, southern Asia, and Australia. Some examples of arid deserts include the Sonoran Desert, Mojave Desert, Sahara Desert, and the Kalahari Desert.Semi-arid deserts - Semi-arid deserts are generally not as hot and dry as arid deserts. Semi-arid deserts experience long, dry summers and cool winters with some precipitation. Semi-arid deserts occur in North America, Newfoundland, Greenland, Europe, and Asia.Coastal deserts - Coastal deserts generally occur on the western edges of continents at approximately 23 °N and 23 °S latitude (also known as the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn). In these locations, cold ocean current s run parallel to the coast and produce heavy fogs that drift over the deserts. Although the humidity of coastal deserts may be high, rainfall remains rare. Examples of coastal deserts include the Atacama Desert of Chile and the Namib Desert of Namibia.Cold deserts - Cold deserts are deserts that have low temperatures and long winters. Cold deserts occur in the Arctic, Antarctic, and above the treelines of mountain ranges. Many areas of the tundra biome can also be considered cold deserts. Cold deserts often have more precipitation than other types of deserts. An example of a cold desert is the Gobi Desert in China and Mongolia. Animals of the Desert Biome Some of the animals that inhabit the desert biome include: Desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti) - The desert kangaroo rat is a species of kangaroo rat that inhabits the deserts of southwestern North America including the Sonoran Desert, Mojave Desert, and the Great Basin Desert. Desert kangaroo rats survive on a diet that consists primarily of seeds.Coyote (Canis latrans) - The coyote is a canid that inhabits a wide range throughout North America, Central America, and Mexico. Coyotes inhabit deserts, grasslands, and scrublands throughout their range. They are carnivores that feed on a variety of small animal prey such as rabbits, rodents, lizards, deer, elk, birds, and snakes.Greater Roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) - The greater roadrunner is a year-round resident of the southwestern United States and Mexico. Greater roadrunners are fast on their feet, they can outpace a human and use that speed and their sturdy bill to catch their prey which includes lizards, small mammals, and birds. The species inhabits deserts and scrublands as w ell as open grasslands.Sonoran Desert Toad (Incilius alvarius) - The Sonoran desert toad that inhabits semi-deserts, scrublands, and grasslands in southern Arizona at elevations below 5,800 feet. The Sonoran desert toad is one of the largest toads native to North America, growing to lengths of 7 inches or more. The species is nocturnal and is most active during the monsoonal season. In drier periods of the year, Sonoran desert toads remain underground in rodent burrows and other holes.MeerkatPronghornRattlesnakeBanded Gila MonsterCactus wrenJavelinaThorny devil

Sunday, December 22, 2019

History Paper Burial Practices, Concept of After Life...

The concept of afterlife existed among many ancient civilizations. It was met as a way of understanding the present or as a way to predict the future depending on their needs. As such, in order to explain the unknown phenomenon that impacted their daily life, early tribes saw natural events as simple as the rain and the winds or birth and death and regarded them to be controlled by supernatural powers related to the gods, demons, the moon, the sun or other external driving forces. Ancient people sought protection for survival and power to maintain order with the tribes by practicing rituals which were aimed to invoke the spirit of the deceased. However, as civilizations evolved with time, their beliefs became more complex and profound.†¦show more content†¦However, the suffering in the other world would end eventually. Romans’ funeral rituals usually included washing the corpse, laying it flat on a sofa or bed, and dressing it with the finest clothes that individual had ever possessed. A coin would then be placed under the tongue or on the eyes so that he could pay the â€Å"ferryman Charon† for rowing him to the land of the dead. The marble urn I observed at the Met dated from mid 1st – 2nd century A.D. was used to place the ashes of the deceased after the body was cremated. As time went by, they came to understand that the dissolution of the body was inevitable and the physical body was only a temporary host of the soul. This piece of artifact provided evidence that in ancient Romans’ point of view, the remains of the physical body had to be disintegrated in order for the soul to begin a new life. It is reasonable to conclude that Romans regarded cremating the body of the dead as a naturally faster way to begin the life in the other world than slow disintegration of the corpse. On the other hand, Egyptians believed that the person’s physical body was more than a temporary host and it had to remain intact, a condition necessary to attain the afterlife. Moreover, they contemplated the idea that a person was the combination of several elements such as, the â€Å"ba†, which was the non physical part of the individual and the â€Å"ka† which was a universal force shared by all. Furthermore, inShow MoreRelatedA Critical Thinking Exercise : The Role Of Religion During World Civilizations3861 Words   |  16 Pages Critical Thinking Exercise: The Role of Religion in Early World Civilizations Name Stephanie Trent_________ Students will complete this critical thinking exercise in history as a â€Å"thought paper,† but will identify sources for their answers. Students can use the textbook and class notes for sources, but can use other sources. This exercise is in the form of a â€Å"short answer format.† This must at least be six full pages, but can be longer if needed. Students are expectedRead MorePortrayal Of Male Kouroi Sculptors3361 Words   |  14 Pagesby completing the natural cycles of both†, (O’Brien, qtd. in Lynch, 21). 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A Brief History of Tarot The Decans in Astrology Overview of Recent Tarot Works That Reference the Picatrix Magical Uses of the Tarot Colophon VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. ON THE PICA TRIX I. Introduction to the Picatrix (The Aim of the Sage) of al-MajritiRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pages Library and information center management / Robert D. Stueart and Barbara B. Moran. — 7th ed. p. cm. — (Library and information science text series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978–1–59158–408–7 (alk. paper) ISBN 978–1–59158–406–3 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Library administration—United States. 2. Information services— United States—Management. I. Moran, Barbara B. II. Title. Z678.S799 2007 025.1—dc22 2007007922 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data is available. Copyright

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Management position within hospitality industry Free Essays

The most complex work in the hotel in terms of communication and of coordinating and completing working documents is done by Floor Managers. These employees often supervise others who perform service tasks directly for the guests. Floor Managers are responsible for liaising between Room Attendants on the guest floors and managers in the housekeeping office. We will write a custom essay sample on Management position within hospitality industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Qualifications required are a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in hotel management, and work experience in hospitality industry. At the basement-level housekeeping office, Floor Managers report and monitor room status and special room requests received from other parts of the hotel. They check the computer-generated status reports for discrepancies from their visual checks of the actual rooms. If a room coded for check-out appeared occupied on the floor, they would check the Expected Departure report on the computer to see if the guest had actually checked out (Bardi 2002). Usually, the main requires are: Supervision Inventory management Quality Control Coordination of other managers and staff Shipping and receiving Documentary control (Floor Manager Position 2007). The responsibilities are: Each one supervises 15 Room Attendants and two Housemen, covering three to four floors, or 240–320 rooms. On the floors, they check the status and progress of room cleaning, inspected rooms and augmented the Room Attendants’ work. One of their duties, for example, is putting triple bed sheets and extra amenities in VIP rooms. They have to get the extra sheet, then take some of the bedding off and remake the bed. The number of VIPs they had to do beds for is never predictable, and they have to squeeze them into their regularly scheduled activities. The number of floors and rooms Floor Managers are responsible for varied, too, because of airline employee guests, who rarely checked out until after the day shift finished, and because of movement in the predicted house counts (overall room occupancies) (Powers and Barrows 2002). The Floor Managers are all in the office together at three times during the day: the beginning and end of the shift, and during the midmorning clearing and briefing meeting. These are busy, but not clearly structured times, with managers picking up special supplies, double-checking irregularities in the room status reports, answering phones. In Hilton Hotels, for instance, Floor Managers work is organized as follows: workday starts, between 7 and 8; the Floor Managers come in and prepared their own worksheets for the day; they check the 6:30 a.m. room status reports and special requests, along with the log book confirming their floor assignments;  then they go up on the floors to check the room status and supply needs with each Room Attendant, who has verified their status as soon as she/he arrives on the floor; Floor Managers then return downstairs to check and adjust room assignments against the Coordinator’s log book (Powers and Barrows 2002). For example, some rooms in the early-morning computer status report noted as vacant and clean may have become occupied in the interim. Or vacant and clean rooms may have become VIP or rush rooms, which Floor Managers would hear about in the office and have to inform the Room Attendant about. In many cases, Floor Manager’s position is called a â€Å"supervisor†. Floor Managers themselves have to identify VIP rooms and they have to spend extra time to set up the rooms, and collect and deliver the extras. The VIP rooms could not be neglected, and they are seldom blocked (assigned by Front Desk) in advance. So throughout the day, Floor Managers have to monitor upcoming VIP rooms and prepare them in time for the guests’ arrival (Powers and Barrows 2002). Work stress and pressure is a remarkable feature of this position. Very often, checking room reports against their lists, for example, is interrupted by a ringing telephone or a co-worker’s query. Most often the interruption involves a guest’s urgent request, which demanded an immediate response. People write down notes, speak on the phone to guests, page others to fill requests and relay orders to the Centralized Action Room. Several talks at once; seldom are the exchange restricted to two people (Stutts 2001). Floor Managers work primarily from photocopied forms attached to clipboards that they fill out each day as they completed their work. The worksheets serve as organizational tools, memory aids and long-term records, to be boxed and stored for a prescribed number of years. From my observations throughout the hotel, the computers stored information on sales, purchases, personnel and payroll, and guests and occupancy rather than any detailed records of daily work. And unless each Floor Manager is equipped with a hand-held computer, inputting such information would have been impractical when there is already a paper record. In the basement office, Floor Managers also check for recent special requests like rush rooms or VIPs, or they receive them as phone messages, occasionally via pager (Stutts 2001). References Bardi J.A. (2002). Hotel Front Office Management Wiley; 3 edition. Floor Manager Position (2007). Retrieved 01 July 2007, Powers T., Barrows C.W. (2002). Introduction to the Hospitality Industry. Wiley, 5 edition. Stutts A. (2001). Hotel and Lodging Management. An Introduction. Wiley. How to cite Management position within hospitality industry, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Law of Negligent Misstatement Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Law of Negligent Misstatement. Answer: Introduction: The present case is based on the chapter of negligence that is a part of the Tort law. The term negligence means a careless action that becomes harmful to others. The primary objective of the negligence is that a person should act diligently to avoid any accident where the outcome shall be detrimental in nature. It is the duty of a prudent man to act diligently and cautiously to avoid any harmful effect regarding any specific act. If there is a laxity regarding the same cropped up, the person can be held liable under the law of negligence. Negligence: There are certain essential elements present for committing a valid negligence. The first essentials are Duty of care. The principle of duty of care is, for the first time established in a historic case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932], where the court was pleased to held the manufacturer of the Ginger bottle liable, where the decomposed body of a snail had found, for non-performance of duty of care. Thenegligence law of Australia was established with the case law of Grant v Australian Knitting Mills (1936). The second essential found when there is any breach regarding the duty occurred. The case of Donoghue v Stevenson is a historic case in the negligence arena and the chapter of negligence has been reviewed and renewed by this case. The general rule is that when a person speaks anything, he is bound by law to perform the duty and if he has failed to do so, the necessary provisions of law will apply on them. The third essentials of the negligence are the harmful effect of such breach of duty by the person. It is a fact that every person has certain rights to secure their own interest. If that interest is affected by the acts of others, the victim has a right to sue the wrongdoer in the competent court of justice. Misstatement: The present case is based on the principle of negligence. Apart from the essentials of the negligence, the case is attracted the provisions of the misstatement. It has been stated earlier that negligence is a part of thelaw of Tort. By Tort, it is meant that any act that is malice in nature and caused certain damages and can be prosecuted before the civil court of law. The term negligent misstatement means a wrong statement that is delivered by the person who stated certain facts or suggested certain things in good faith but the nature of the statement is careless. The wrongdoer in this case usually holds certain knowledge on a specific subject that the advice taker does not hold. It is obvious that if the statement made by the person, become wrong, it will impose serious burden on the advice taker and may injure him economically or physically. In this case, the elements of the contract will be applicable and the provision of the duty to take reasonable care will impose. In case if misstatement, the person to whom the statement are to be made, relied on the statement and take it as experts opinion. Therefore, if such statement indicates towards the wrong path, it will cause serious injury to the advice taker. In Shaddock Associates Pty Ltd v Parramatta City Council [1981] HCA 59, it was held that the advice of the solicitor on behalf of the associates caused losses to the council employees and therefore, the Associates held liable for the act of misstatement. Application: From the facts of the case, it is clear that John and Natalie are spouse to each other and wanted to start a motel business. They had certain conversations with Mrs Wentworth and they had taken the advices as experts opinion. Mrs Wentworth told the couple that she had certain motels in her hand that can be suitable for the start up business and showed them the same. The motel costs $100,000 and certain facts are stated to them regarding the non-profitability of the hotel. However, at the time of the payment, Mrs Wentworth told them that the motel would run smoothly at the time of the winter vacation and now they are investing into a gold mine. Believing the facts, the couple bought the motel at a lump sum amount but could not make profit within six months. Advice: Therefore, it is advices that both John and Natalie can claim damage from Mrs. Wentworth under the law of negligence. The provision regarding the case is misstatement by Mrs. Wentworth. It is a fact that by the misstatement of Wentworth, both the parties had suffered monetary loss. Mrs. Wentworth was an expert in the motel industry and the couple was novice. They invested their money on the words of Mrs. Wentworth. Therefore, the acts of Mrs. Wentworth attract the provision of misstatement and John and Natalie can claim damage from her.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Technical, Architectural and Engineering Drawing Tools Essay Example For Students

Technical, Architectural and Engineering Drawing Tools Essay A T-square is a technical drawing instrument used by draftsmen primarily as a guide for drawing horizontal lines on a drafting table. It may also guide a set square to draw vertical or diagonal lines. Its name comes from its resemblance to the letter T. T-squares come in varying sizes, common lengths being 18 inches (460 mm), 24 inches (610 mm), 30 inches (760 mm), 36 inches (910 mm) and 42 inches (1 , 100 mm) Ames Lettering Instrument If you have many lines of lettering to do, you will find a lettering instrument, such as the Ames lettering instrument, shown in figure 3-43, view B, quite useful and timeserving. The top-left section of figure 3-43, view 8, shows how to use this instrument in conjunction with a T square to draw properly spaced horizontal guidelines. You insert the point of your pencil through one of the holes, and the instrument slides along the T square as you move the pencil across the page. The enlarged drawing of the instrument in the lower part of the figure shows the details of how the instrument is used. Notice the three rows of holes in the circular disc of the instrument. An architects scale is a specialized ruler designed to facilitate the drafting and measuring of architectural drawings, such as floor plans and orthographic projections. Because the scale Of such drawings are often smaller than life- size, an architects scale features multiple units of length and proportional Engel increments. For accuracy and longevity, the material used should be dimensionally stable and durable. Scales were traditionally made of wood, but today they are usually made of rigid plastic or aluminum. Architects scales may be flat with 4 scales, or have a symmetric 3-ebbed cross-section, with 6 scales. We will write a custom essay on Technical, Architectural and Engineering Drawing Tools specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Any scale is called an engineers scale and is a tool for measuring distances and transferring measurements at a fixed ratio of length. It is commonly made of plastic,or aluminum and is just over 12 inches (305 mm) long, but with only 12 inches of markings, leaving the ends unmarked 50 that the first and last assuring ticks do not wear off. It is used in making engineering drawings, commonly called blueprints, blue lines or plans in a specific scale, For example, one-tenth size would appear on a drawing to indicate a part larger than the drawing on the paper itself. It is not to be used to measure machined parts to see if they meet specifications. Irregular Curves are useful for drafting and drawing curved and rounded shapes. These professional quality irregular curves are had finished and made of . 060 thick acrylic. A protractor is a square, circular or semicircular tool, typically made of reentrant plastic or glass, for measuring angles. Most protractors measure angles in degrees (0). Radian-scale protractors measure angles in radians. They are used for a variety Of mechanical and engineering-related applications, but perhaps the most common use is in geometry lessons in schools. A mechanical pencil (IIS English) or a propelling pencil (UK English) or a pen pencil (Indian is a pencil with a replaceable and mechanically extendable solid pigment core called a lead /led/. The lead is not bonded to the outer casing and can be extended as its point is worn away. The lead is often dad of graphite or a solid pigment. True point pencil is mainly used by Drafts People. It will sharpen a drafters lead pencil to a tine point. Does NOT sharpen a regular pencil. An eraser (US and Canada) or rubber (elsewhere) is an article of stationery that is used for removing pencil markings, Erasers have a rubbery consistency and are often pink or white. Some pencils have an eraser on one end. Typical erasers are made from synthetic rubber, but more expensive or specialized erasers are vinyl, plastic, or gum-like materials. Cheaper erasers can be made out of synthetic soy- based gum.

Monday, November 25, 2019

political participation essays

political participation essays In this essay, to better understand the mode of communal activity, there will first be given a discussion about what political participation is. This discussion will include a look at all the modes of conventional participation, that is: Voting, campaign activities and most importantly communal activities. To answer the given question a more indebt discussion about communal activity will be given followed by an example of communal activity from South Africa. Political participation can broadly be defined as the active participation and the involvement of the public in politics to help define societal goals and carry it out in a democracy. The active involvement of the public in the process of democracy helps to establish and keep legitimacy and trust in the political system. Citizens in any political system that is democratically based place a lot of value on the right to have the democratic freedom to help decide their own future. Conventional ways in which citizens can participate politically include voting, campaign activities and communal activities. There are also forms of unconventional participation like protests and demonstrations that can also help citizens to let their voice be heard. No political system can endure without the support of its populace (Manheim, 1986: 52). If a linkage between the citizens and the political system [is not created and maintained], there is a failure of reinforcement and ultimately the political system will also fail (Manheim, 1986: 54). There exists a mutual dependency between the citizens and the political system. The political system can implement a great number of policies, but without the support of the political culture (the citizens); there will be no hope for the policies to work. In order to maintain the support of its citizens, without which it may well be unable to function effectively, the political system must appear similar enough to what those cit...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corporate new ventures at procter & gamble Essay

Corporate new ventures at procter & gamble - Essay Example It also requires an extensive mobilization of the overall corporate resources in order to achieve the required targets. (Hill and Jones). This case study outlines some of the key aspects of the CNV however; it is focused on P&G only and describes the process which is based upon the overall strengths of P&G as an organization. Considering the traditional size of the organization and its past history, it may not be necessary to have big products. However, due to the previous size of the products and the kind of revenue they have generated in the past also requires that P&G must have the big hit products in order to ensure that they meet the standards set by the earlier products. The existing corporate and divisional R&D of the firm can actually contribute towards the achievement of this goal by sharing their strengths with the CNV to achieve the overall objectives of product innovation. Though P&G has the ability to absorb the risks arising from new entrepreneurial activities however, in order to keep sustaining its existing and proven line of businesses, it may be too big. This is also due to the fact that the entrepreneurial activity itself is a very demanding process and the overall risks are high. Further, if the new ventures or ideas are outside the overall objectives of the firm, the same can actually drift P&G away from its traditional competencies. I would recommend that P&G only allow such ventures which fit into its overall organizational objectives and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Project - Research Paper Example Technology is the main tool used in this trend and this makes it possible for a multinational company carry out its activities with ease (Steers et al, 2010). ADNOC since it is an international company needs to install and run with the latest technological infrastructures in order to embrace the technological supply chain. The other trend that is noticeable in EAU’s oil industry is the use of technology to come up with innovations. Companies that have used technology as a tool for innovation have gained a competitive edge over the others in the industry. A notable innovation in the oil industry is the wrapping together of cloud computing, data management and mobility, which is useful for the easy running and closing deals by companies (Steers et al, 2010). ADNOC should recruit a team purposely meant to come up with innovations that would give the company some advantage over its rivals. Another trend that is in the EAU’s oil industry is the challenges posed by lack of experienced and talented workforce. The main course for this loss is the retirement of the old workers who had the expertise of how things operated in the industry. The research conducted on the industry revealed that close to 90% of the officials running the different companies are senior workers. ADNOC needs to appoint a few young people in the senior positions to help them acquire the experience needed to run the company (Steers, et al, 2010).. APCO consultancy is one of the newly operating companies in Middle East having been established in the area in 2007. The company has however become a success with its services of advising the international and local clients on several issues that are critical to the growth and success of their successes (Carland & Faber, 2008). Some of its diverse services include crisis management, government

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discuss Erikson's theory of development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discuss Erikson's theory of development - Essay Example â€Å"Ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we develop through social interaction† (Cherry 1). In the point of view of Erikson, the ego identity of an individual is controlled by the experiences he/she goes through in everyday life. As one interacts more with the society, it adds to one’s knowledge. Thus, the action and behavior of an individual is governed by his/her ego identity as well as a sense of competence. Erikson’s theory is based upon eight stages of psychosocial development (Harder). Each of these deals with a particular area of competence in life. It is up to the individual how he/she copes with the challenges encountered in each of the eight stages. If an individual performs well in a certain stage, he/she gains a feeling of mastery that is the symbol of ego strength. On the other hand, poor management of a stage will inculcate a feeling of inadequacy in the individual. The eight stages identified by Erikson are discussed below: Stage 1: T his stage is titled as trust vs mistrust. This stage essentially starts from the birth and lasts till the completion of first year of life. Because of the total dependability of child on adults in this stage, the development of trust in child depends upon the quality of care given by the adults. Development of trust is vital to achieve the sense of security in the whole life. Children whose caregivers are emotionally fake, inconsistent, and rejecting develop mistrust. When the caregivers are prudent and dutiful towards the child, the child develops trust that lasts for the whole life. Stage 2: This stage develops autonomy or doubt and shame in the child. This stage occurs in the early childhood and talks about the development of personal control in the children. When a child learns how to control various needs of the body, he/she feels independent. Moreover, a child makes choices between various types of foods, clothes and toys. Successful completion of the second stage makes a chil d confident. Otherwise, the child suffers from self-doubt. Stage 3: This stage decides the development of either initiative or guilt in the child. This covers the preschool years. Social interaction in this period gives a feeling of control and power to the child. Successful interaction with others in this stage inculcates leadership skills in the child, and unsuccessful experience inculcates guilt. Stage 4: This stage decides between inferiority and industry. The stage starts from age 5 and lasts till age 11. The encouragement received from parents makes the child competent and confident, and lack of encouragement by parents makes the child unconfident. Stage 5: This stage decides between confusion and identity and occurs in adolescence. Encouragement received in this stage provides a person with a strong identity and lack of encouragement makes him/her confused. Stage 6: This stage decides between isolation and intimacy and occurs in early adulthood. Development of intimacy in rel ationships makes them secure. Development of intimacy requires a strong sense of identity. Stage 7: Stage 7 is about the development of generativity or stagnation in a person. This stage focuses on the career building. If a person wins in this stage, he/she feels like contributing to the world positively. Failure in this stage lends the feeling of idleness to the person. Stage 8: This stage inculcat

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Child Protection Regulation on Practices

Impact of Child Protection Regulation on Practices Introduction: Supporting children means working for the development of the care systems, development of the education of the of the children around the world. Saving children from the disability problems and making an environment of nondiscrimination of gender and other aspects. Through giving supports to the children for expressing their opinions and views freely we can support the children. There are several legislative policies and procedures issued for the betterment of the children but the successful imposition and make those policies and procedures come in to force is much important than only issuing those policies and procedures. When you are going to make those legislative issues come into force you have to take it into mind that how those should be implemented and how successfully they works for the betterment of the children. Describe the main legislation which relate to working with children. Some main legislation that relate to working with children are as follows: United Nation Convention on the Rights of a Child-1989 The United Nations Convention based on the Rights of a Child that was signed by the UK in the year 1991. This convention sets out the principles for a legal framework to justify all the aspects for the care system, development and education of all the children around the world. The articles made on that convention cover: disability, nondiscrimination of gender, nondiscrimination on the grounds of religion, language, social or ethnic origin; economic, social care, cultural and all other protective rights related to children. Protection of the Children Act 1999 The Protection of the Children Act 1999 had come into force in October 2000 and this act gives the Secretary of any State the power to keep a list of people who are not suitable to work with children and vulnerable young people. All authorized childcare organizations have a statutory duty to refer particular individuals for the inclusion in the list they have to keep. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 An amendment to the DDA act 1995 is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, that amendment extends the requirement for making some reasonable adjustments for the people who are disabled to include schools, colleges and other education providers as well. Every Child Matters: Change for Children act 2003 In the year 2003, the Government had published a green paper called ‘Every Child Matters’. This paper was published including a wide consultation with the people who are working in childrens services and with their parents, children and young vulnerable people as well people. Following that consultation, the Government also published ‘Every Child Matters’: the Next Steps, and passed the Children Act 2004 later on. Children Act 2004 Children Act 2004 is an update of the Children Act 1989 but it does not supersede the Children Act 1989. Children Act 2004 provides a legislative base for a wider strategy that will improve the childrens living standard. This also covers those universal services which every child must accesses, and provides more targeted services for those people with additional needs. This updated Children Act 2004 also placed a new duty on the local government to promote the educational achievement for looking after the children. The other legislations that relates with the working children are as follows: Working Together to Safeguard Children 2006, updated 2010 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 Childcare Act 2006 Equalities Act 2010 Discuss the ways that different pieces of legislation determine and influences the working practices. There we got several legislations on the working practices with children around the world. There are some ways that different pieces of legislation determine and influences the working practices. Safeguarding the children: Different legislations on working with children underpins the laws to safeguard the children from being exploited. Those legislations make the local authorities compel to take care about the children in their area. Understanding of rights: A better understanding of rights and power relationships has been established by different legislative programs for many years. Those act and laws that are established by the governing body of any country helps to determine the rights the vulnerable children must acquire. Anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice: Different pieces of legislation determine and influence the working practices with children in the way that helps children being oppressed and discriminated. Anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practices are established and came into force by the grace of those different pieces of legislation. Working with diversity: Working with diversity is not just about gender, sexual orientation or race. In our communities there we see many factors that make each of the individual responsible for the roles they must have to play; the role of values, culture, attitudes and social power are all important in the field of working with children. Different pieces of legislation are able to determine accomplish those roles. 2.1 Describe how policies and practices can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies. Children and young people need to know what to expect when they are with us. This means you need to be fair and consistent in your behavior to the children. To be fair and consistent in behavior to the children you need to follow some strategies which can be established by you or any expertise in practice. The policies and practices described in the laws and acts regarding working with the children can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies need to be precisely established for working with the children. Policies and practices require the services providers to make reasonable and accurate adjustments so that disabled children can access their services to the best level. Policies and practices gave the authorities a duty to promote and reinforce equality for disabled and vulnerable children. Policies and practices can reflect fair, just and inclusive strategies because it make compel all regulated and authorities childcare organizations have a statutory duty to appoint individuals for the inclusion in the list and must not appoint individuals and volunteers, in posts that policies bring them into contact for working with the children, whose names are included in the list they made. The policies of Children Act 2004 aims is to encourage integrated planning regarding the children, commissioning and delivery of the services as well as improve the multi-disciplinary working systems, remove duplication of the policies, increase accountability of the service workers and improve the coordination of individuals working within the same grounds and joint inspections in the local authorities. 3.1 Describe some ways that settings may use to ensure that practitioner can access policies. Practitioners can access policies regarding working with children. The practitioner must need to know some information that may help them to access policies. They must acquire knowledge about How to deal with those children who often face stereotyping and prejudice problem for a wide variety of reasons. How to treat children who need to have valued their cultures and customs and understand the importance of culture to children. How to introduce culture and customs to the children for their everyday learning. Parents and careers who often don’t want to highlight issues of discrimination that happens to them. Children who often suffer issues of discrimination in silence and never make claims to get out of those discriminations. About the prejudice incidents they don’t hear/see, that does not mean that they are not happening to the children. About the parent’s abuse and prejudice language incident is not acceptable. About the new arrivals to the setting or this country often suffer from culture shock. Stereotyping on any grounds is not acceptable particularly regarding to work with the children. Acquiring knowledge about all the cultures and customs need to be embraced. The practitioner need to know how children experience the world differently depends on their background. Knowing about their religion, belief and dress can also help the practitioner to get access to the policies regarding the working with children. If practitioner needs to get access to the policies they to know how to support the literacy and language needs of parents and careers, how to respect all families and the children of those families, how to support staff to build up a working knowledge of diverse communities for the betterment of the children. Going through those tasks a practitioner who is going to work to with the children can get access to the policies relating to the children’s safeguard and development. 3.2 Apply knowledge of a wide range of procedures for safeguarding children to show understanding of the appropriate ways to follow these procedures. Determining the needed procedures for safeguarding children is just the first step for working with the children. Here we applied knowledge of a wide range of procedures for safeguarding children to show understanding of the appropriate ways to follow these procedures. Communication to staff, parents and children. The career must consider different communication needs and methods. They need to tell everyone why procedures are needed for working with the children and answer any questions they may have. Training and awareness for all the service providers at the initial stage and then they have to update their staff’s knowledge on a continuous basis. Specific training for those with lead or named responsibility for child safeguarding. Induction new workers need to know safeguarding procedures and their responsibilities included in their induction system before they start to have contact with the children. Monitoring and supervision of the application used in the procedures. Workers also need to be asked about safeguarding issues and awareness when discussing their progress and review of their work regarding children’s development. Recording and information sharing are those procedures that will examine is everything accurate and within the guidelines of your established procedures? Do service providers need any support or additional training programs to be arranged in recording and sharing information with each other and other agencies? Recruitment and vetting states; do all the recruitment processes take safeguarding of the children into account? Managing allegations or prejudice incidents within your organization; after an allegation or suspicion about a child safeguarding concern has been investigated thoroughly, there could be strong feelings from the service providers, parents and children and possibly within the wider society, which will need to be addressed first. There could be some other issues around the workplace: communication rumor or fact guilt or blame; if suspicions have been around for a long time impact on children, of the nature of what have occurred and to whom there have gaps in the organization in terms of roles and posts held. There should be some plan opportunities for sharing information, support and debriefing about the children. Your communication strategy should include responding to possible media enquiries relating to the children. 4.1 Evaluate one theoretical perspective which underpins the development of strategies for empowering children. Here we have evaluate one theoretical perspective named ‘Contemporary Childhood Theory – Beyond the Boxes’ This paper we made here has been drawn from recent a ‘Childhood Theory’ as set out by Alan Prout (2005). Alan argues that childhood period is heterogeneous and complex in nature. He also suggests that the time has come for the new social studies of working with the children to move beyond the promoting of the notion that the child is an agent to recognizing that different paradigms each have something to offer the analysis the behavior of the children. He urges us on his paper not to produce any normalized description but to ‘keep the question of what children is open’. He suggests the impact of technology on children is widely exaggerated and that we need to move away from false dichotomies in our analysis of childhood of the children Specifically he challenges in his theoretical perspective the nature and culture divide drawing from a number of authors to argue we cannot separate out technology/science from culture in which children lives. He suggests that the future of children is dependent on writers coming to terms with that notion ‘nature culture’. Pout also states, ‘Thus I want to argue that only by understanding the way in which childhood of children is constructed by the heterogeneous elements of nature and culture, which in any case cannot be easily separated, will it be possible to take the field forward’.. He further traces the emergence of Childhood Studies in the 19th and 20th century concluding that this period is characterized by writing that promotes false divisions between the social and biological and that these must be overcome if childhood studies of children is to continue to advance as a discipline. It is argued that the variables in the social life are in constant interplay and that small variables at a point in time can change the history of a system. The central of this discussion is the belief that different systems with similar starting points can end up radically different. Indeed, Prouts has promoted of the concept of bifurcation – the idea that some changes are non-reversible gives much hope for the application of Childhood theory of the children of practical settings. Prout also makes a aware and courageous decision to moves away from his contemporaries in the children’s Childhood Studies who still reify the social. This discuss of theoretical perspective underpins the development strategies for empowering children. 4.2 Assess the effectiveness of the strategies which empower children to develop self-confidence and self-reliance. Following a daily routine is a strategy which has most preferences in use to empower children. The daily routine for children provides with a consistent and predictable sequence of daily events that gives all the children a sense of control over what happens in their day to day life. Different types of settings develop different routines depend how long children do stay in the premises and their age limit, but most of the daily routines contain basic components such as: a) outside routine, b) large group time, c)small group time, d) register time, e) art/craft time, f) tidy up time and g) snack/meal time. During following the daily routine the children learns to make their choices and discovers their consequences. This system creates sort of secure environment for the children, because children know what to expect and this appropriate allows them to be more involve in the tasks and more co-operative with the practitioner in charge. The second strategy for empowering children is planning and providing different activities and experiences for children. This strategy is suggested by the EYFS because this strategy allows for adventure, exploration and gaining new experiences through different activities. Different activities, which provide developed range of skills and abilities to the children. Taking part in different activities allows children learn social interactions and behaviors’ such as sharing equipment, taking turns 5.1 Explain the key issues which relate to the practice which support children to prepare for transfer and transitions. When preparing children for transfer and transitions some key issues will need to be addressed to support them. Information through research indicates that there are some specific essential components for supporting successful transfer and transitions in children, including the following: 1. Ensuring basic needs are met properly. 2. Maintaining and encouraging positive relationships. 3. Providing basic support and resources to children in their new environment and modify or adapting daily routines, as appropriate. 4. Providing choices and involving the children in the transfer and transition process to promote and support self-advocacy. 5. Supporting the need for increased independence and helping children create their own identity. 6. Ensuring that all transfer and transition plans are well coordinated and integrated and information is shared with parents and across sectors. Supporting the child through the transfer and transition can be vital for their successfulness, if the correct support is put in the correct place the children will be more comfortable with the changes that are happening in their life. 6.1 Discuss the causes and effects on children of discrimination in society in ways that show a clear understanding of the nature of discrimination. If the children are in contact with discrimination they often want help of participating others, that time they become less confident around others and also isolate themselves to reduce the risk of being upset or hurt by others. Causes are: Social separation; if someone seems socially not confident then they may not seclude themselves from social situations; this can be happened to the children also. People’s opinions; we know that everyone has their own views and opinions on different things happened around them; however in practical life you should be able to share everyones opinions and provide equal opportunities for everyone as well. Differences; if someone can point out differences in a person then other people, especially children, they can pick up on this leading to the discrimination they face . Religions; do you a setting educate and celebrate different religions? Celebrating different events exist in various religions to educate everyone on the difference of the world. Effects are: Becomes isolated; this is lonely and cheerless for the children that it’s effecting them, their self-confidence will be lower than the normal stage, therefore they also separate themselves from others to avoid contact which may make them upset which can stump their social development as well. Opinions can be relayed onto others; if someone talks about their own opinion enough then other people can start to agree with them, or may be pressured into thinking the same as, this can mean more severe discrimination will be caused against children because of their new views. Conclusion: In confine we can state it that supporting children is a task that has to carry out very carefully. To support the vulnerable children first off all you have to go through all the legislative issues relating to supporting children around the world. Those legislations work in different ways in the practice. Those legislation must be drawn out and implemented in a way that they can give fair, just and inclusive view to the strategies the practitioner follows to guide the children under him/her. The practitioner who works with the children must have the ability to understand the policies related to the supporting the children.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Police Force Essay -- American History, Police Training

Throughout history the police force has severely changed, with the first forms of policing appearing in the Anglo-Saxon period in England; where the king would provide protection to the civilians for a tax (Mawby, 1999). Centuries later and the principles of protecting the people are generally the same. However, in recent times crimes and perpetrators are becoming more sophisticated; the need for higher abilities to control and manage these complicated situations is becoming more prevalent. It can be seen that the entry requirements into the police force are also dramatically increasing over the decades. This paper aims to critically assess the effectiveness of higher education requirements by outlining the advantages and disadvantages and how it can be improved further. To gain a further understanding a brief history of the constant debate will be analysed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in Berkeley, California, Police Chief August Vollmer expressed his encouragement for police to acquire a formal university education (Carte, 1973). Unfortunately it wasn’t until the late 1960s that significant debate arose from police leaders about the effectiveness and benefits of formal qualifications, and how it plays a role in police professionalism (Roberg and Bonn 2004). The first major debate in Australia occurred in 1990; when the National Police Professionalism Implementation Advisory Committee (NPPIAC) recommended that to achieve national professionalism in police services, a university qualification should be included in the education requirements (Trofymowych, 2008). Although the topic has been debated for almost a century only minimal requirements have been applied. In Queensland the current education requirements f... ...e early 1990s; it is recommended this should be the requirement instead of the current 18 months of tertiary education. The belief that the current 18 months is sufficient enough is very lacking. The main point which has been seen is to increase the ‘professionalism’ of an individual, however it is hard to believe that a person will be professional if they only achieve half a university degree then quit. A nationwide requirement needs to be set out as a minimum for the security of Australia; it is believed that the advancement of skills, methods and training can only be achieved through higher levels of education. It is unclear if police will ever attain ‘professional’ status; however it is believed that with the correct structure and implementation, higher education will play the deciding factor. Although it is also believed that there is still a long way to go.