Saturday, February 29, 2020

Media Fast Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Fast Assignment - Essay Example During the first 48 hours without the media screens, I was so excited. I indulged in other activities; for instance mowing my lawn, and reading a novel which I bought and never opened its pages. As time progressed, my excitement turned into boredom. I got bored and wished for screen media; I anticipated the end of the 48 hours. After the 48 hours without the media, I was relieved to resume my regular life with media screens. Challenges encountered during the media fast assignment entailed media activities that were very difficult to avoid. These challenges focused on media activities that I found very hard to avoid. I had difficulty in avoiding texting, using the internet via my laptop, and watching my favorite series which coincided with the media fast period. These media activities were very difficult to avoid because I have a habit of using these media devices often. My life is centered on the media devices; doing away with them for 48 hours was torturing, although I was excited initially. I did not carefully access the experience that I was going to go through. I had no idea that I was not prepared for this experience. I usually use the media for communication purposes as well as entertainment purposes. I have a habit of texting my friends, and using the internet to communicate with my friends via social sites; like facebook, twitter and Linkedin. For communication purposes with my friends, I opted to give myself some alone time. I mowed my lawn and cleaned up the house. I thought that staying away from the media communication segment with my friends would do me good as I now had time to contemplate on my life and my surroundings. This alternative worked well for me as I managed to clean up my house all by myself without seeking assistance. Usually, I seek assistance from companies that offer cleaning services. In one, way, I was able to save up my money and clean up my own mess. I am addicted to the television movies and series; I even have my

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Creation and Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creation and Evolution - Essay Example Evolution, though scientific theory, is a much stronger argument when measured against creationism when viewed from a scientific point of view. Evolution is not rooted merely in theory but in great part by scientific fact which is observable and shown consistently to be true. It is not merely an idea but a proven fact that this occurs and has occurred through gene mutations, DNA science and other examples such as the increased height of Europeans in the preceding centuries (Moran). Biological evolution refers to changes that are easily definable and provable in populations over time. DNA analysis shows that though we have much more in common with primates we still have over 200 of the same DNA as bacteria, a single celled organism, which is the premise that life began with evolution. Natural selection and species adaptation have been shown proven within our lifetimes through thousands of studies. Evolution can often also include the suggestion that all beings evolved from one original ancestor, which in itself is difficult to fathom as we are (Evolution) though entirely plausible. Genes carry the DNA code responsible for how a species is created and many studies, such as plant hybridization, show that it is very possible for genes to mutate, reshuffle, and produce genetic variations which are the premise behind evolution. Evolution theory through gene mutation is well documented within every species known to man. The scientific community likely finds it difficult to fathom that as intelligent as they are they are unable to create new life forms thus it would be unlikely that another being could do so while creationist lend more credence towards an ultimate being based on their desire for there to be an ultimate being greater than what we are able to know or comprehend. The argument between evolution and creationism lies in the ultimate beginning of life, which