Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Healthy Foods for Cancer Patients and Survivors - 654 Words

Healthy Foods for Cancer Patients and Survivors Cancer rates have been increasing and in the United States alone more than one million people are suffering with this prevalent disease. Eating healthy may help in relieving side effects from treatments and for continued wellness. This is the easiest way to help your body in overcoming the disease as well as inhibiting cancer cell growth. Cancer treatments can be tough so it is best to keep your body in cancer-fighting shape. Cancer or cancer treatment can also affect your taste but don’t let this hold you back from enjoying the food. Allow more variety in your daily intake so you can increase your chances of getting adequate health. Check with your doctor first if you have any dietary restriction to avoid further complications. Here are several superfoods you can include in your diet: Eggs Eggs are a good source of B vitamins and protein. B vitamins help the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy. Some cancer patient shows low levels of this vitamin thus it was associated that B vitamin deficiency could increase the risk of cancer. Several studies also show that the eggs’ selenium value may help reduce the side effects from chemotherapy. Vitamin E, which is also found in eggs is an antioxidant that helps protect the body against the harsh toxins from cancer drugs and chemotherapy. Ginger Ginger is known to have inflammatory properties and helps in quelling the feeling of nausea and vomiting which is the common side effectsShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of Diet And Weight In Reoccurrence Of Cancer788 Words   |  4 Pagesis to show that diet and weight plays a role in reoccurrence of cancer in older cancer survivors. The objective it to show the differences in the relationship of diet and weight in urban versus rural cancer survivors. The method used was secondary analysis performed of baseline data from the Reach Out to Enhance Wellness (RENEW) trial (Miller, et al., 2012). 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