Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Police Ethics As A Hot Button Topic Socially Today

Police Ethics when policing minorities and use of force is a hot button topic socially today. With the recent climb of deaths caused by Police or while in police custody the questionability of ethics in minority has risen among all and not just with the minority groups. There are many current cases where the use of force that police officers chose is queried on excessive force. Recently there are several cases that bring investigation into the ethics of the officers who are involved in using deadly force. In a heartbeat the decision must be made of when and how much force is needed for the situation. Excessive use of force by some police officers, violating one human rights include unjustified shootings, fatal choking, tough beatings and rough treatment, continue because low levels of personal accountability continue to make it possible for officers to escape punishment and allow for repeated offenses. The ethics of officers involved of a case when force is used should be thoroughly investigated and questioned by the proper authorities as well as all involved. For decades people of all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientation have been victims of harassment and brutality by the Police who are paid â€Å"to protect and serve† the community. What they do or fail to do can affect seriously the span of the damage to life, property, and community spirit. Police officers are required to take an oath when they first join their department. The police oath is a code of ethics. AreShow MoreRelatedCoffee and Crisis Management Team21317 Words   |  86 Pagesand codes. d) To have an effect on the awareness of partners, business, and corporations to generate attention to our environmental responsibility to conserve natural resources, innovate and encourage economic growth, and to recognize the role of ethics in environment. 8 2. 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